Le Japon

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Messagepar haurus » 01 Juil 2008 18:13

C'est vrai que l'ère Sengoku et l'ère Edo sont très intéressantes, ceux sont d'ailleurs celle qui me passionnent le plus !
Si jamais tu peux poster des extraits de ton mémoire pouvant résumé ces deux époques dans les grandes lignes ce serait sympa ;)

Ce qui ne parvient pas à la conscience...
...revient sous la forme du destin !
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Messagepar Mugiwara » 01 Juil 2008 18:27

Pas de soucis, je ferais ça dès que possible :)
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Messagepar Minoru » 15 Nov 2008 23:43

Bien, j'ai quelques questions concernant la socièté ou la culture, je ne sais pas exactement où ça se situe. Voilà, je recherche des informations sur le Japon des années 1970 et je voulais savoir si à l'époque, les jeunes gens connaissaient les parcs d'attractions et les jeux vidéos car je ne sais pas trop s'ils les connaissaient à partir des années 70 ou 80, j'hésite.

Sinon je voudrais aussi savoir à quelle époque de l'année scolaire les lycéens portent leurs uniformes d'été. Est-ce à partir de Mai ou Juin ? J'essaie de me renseigner sur la question avec les mangas mais ce n'est pas très précis. Je vous remercie de me répondre.
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Messagepar Hagi » 16 Nov 2008 16:11

Bah je peux peut-être éclaircir certains points ^^

Alors sachant que les Américains ont rendu au Japon son "autonomie" en 1952, mais qu'ils y ont gardé une influence énorme dès lors, le Japon des années 70 avait une très forte tendance "Américaine" dans son Fonctionnement et dans ce à quoi il ressemblait. Néanmoins, cette vague de culture "Américaine" a fait ressortir la culture "propre" Japonaise; ceux-ci recherchant leur propre identité culturelle; qui aujourd'hui disparaît petit à petit avec le modernisme et les nouvelles générations qui n'y adhèrent plus (un peu comme chez nous quoi ;) ).

D'un autre côté, économiquement, le Japon commence a devenir la réplique du modèle Américain tant et si bien que le décalage entre l'industrie et la culture se fait ressentir

Spoiler :
Voici une affiche de film sur le Japon datant des années 70:


Et voici ce que les Japonais produisaient à l'époque:


et aussi:


Ceci marque l'échec et la réussite Américaine. D'un côté ils imposent leur modèle économique et structurel au Japon, et d'un autre côté leur tentative de "détruire" la nature radicale du militarisme nommée "Bushido" ou "Code d'honneur" échoue par l'apparition de films ;non pas forcement Japonais mais Mondiaux; narrant ce même "Bushido" aux yeux du monde et donc des Japonais.

La culture Japonaise refait donc surface mélangée à une culture Américaine omniprésente, c'est ce qui a crée le japon d'aujourd'hui (ou du moins en partie car il me semble bien avoir entendu que le véritable essor date de l'ère "Meiji", car l'empereur du même nom avait décidé de faire profité à son pays de la culture et technologie occidentale et pour se faire avait pris contact avec les Américains déjà à l'époque ( Ce déclenchement est vraisemblablement lié à la destruction d'une partie du port de Tokyo par un navire américain au 19 ème siècle démontrant ainsi la faiblesse de la technologie Japonaise d'époque ( encore des arc, des flèches et des Samouraïs ^^)))

Voilà, sachant que j'ai trouvé très peu, voire aucune image du Japon des années 70, je te conseille de te regarder 2-3 films d'époque.

ps: google: 1970+ tokyo = des karatékas et des sportifs ou des meetings politiques
Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under The Crimson Air.
0T4|<|_| 0|\|3 |)4'/ , 0T4|<|_| F0|°\3\/3|°\ !!
\/\/|-|0 |\|33|) 50|\/|3 T|°\4|\|5|_4T3 ?
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Messagepar Minoru » 16 Nov 2008 16:18

Merci pour toutes ces infos. Et en ce qui concerne mon autre question ?
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Messagepar wagram » 17 Sep 2009 20:47

finalement j'ai trouve un topic pour tous les sujets sur le japon :wink:

alors la super sujet assez court de "et pourtant elle tourne" sur france-inter cet aprem qui va remettre droit certaines idees sur le japon bouleverse par la crise et les changements politiques actuels


radio france ou comment ne pas avoir honte de payer la redevance tv (qui sert la radio aussi)

jeudi 17 septembre 2009
Les nouveaux visages de la société japonaise

Spoiler :
Le président du Parti Démocrate, Yukio Hatoyama, vient d'être investi en tant que premier ministre du Japon. Un tournant politique historique pour ce pays, puisque ce dirigeant généralement classé au centre gauche met un terme à plus d’un demi-siècle de « règne » de la droite. Pour la 2ème puissance économique du monde et ses 127 millions d’habitants… ce tournant politique est aussi le reflet d’une transformation de la société. Essor du chômage et de la pauvreté, débat autour de la place des jeunes et des femmes… Le Japon de 2009 est assez loin des clichés répandus en Occident…

Reportage Frédéric Charles (Tokyo)

Invité: François Godement, spécialiste de l'Asie de l'Est et professeur à Science Po.
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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar vb2n » 18 Sep 2009 13:54

Je commence à écouter le reportage et finalement, sur certains points, ça doit être un peu comme partout ailleurs. je ne dis pas ça pour dire que la crise, c'est passager. Recemment, j'ai vu Michel Rocard s'exprimer sur Public Sénat qui diffusait l'Université d'Eté du MEDEF et qui estimait à 25% la population active française en situation précaire (Chômeurs, emploi précaires, interim, Freeters quoi...). Et selon ce même Michel Rocard, qui s'est occupé de la taxe carbone, le pic de production de pétrole (Point au dela duquel la production de pétrole diminuera), devrait intervenir entre 2005 et 2020. Le Japon n'a pas de matière première hors agriculture et charbon. Le Japon est donc un modèle pour envisager l'avenir avec une raréfaction des matière première (Ou augmentation aprés la crise des année 70). Mais selon un documentaire vu sur LCP sur l'aprés pétrole, ce succés Japonais sans matière première (3eme puissance économique en 2010 aprés les Etats-Unis et la Chine, oui faut s'y habituer) est dû à la cohésion de la société japonaise, cohésion (Emploi à vie dans certaines entreprises) détruite par les différentes crises économiques.

Les crises économique au Japon, c'est comme le walkman. les japonais ont acheté des radio cassettes, les ont étudiés, copiés, amélioré en les miniaturisant et finalement vendu au monde entier. La crise économique au Japon, c'est miniaturisé et nettement plus "efficace". Enfin, c'est l'impression que ça me laisse.
C'était une femme qui serrait un enfant contre elle. Elle avait la tête coupée, mais elle tenait encore son bébé. J'ai dû m'en charger.
A 17 ans."
Daniel Inouye, Fils d'un immigrant japonais, volontaire de la Croix Rouge lors de l'attaque de Pearl Harbor. Source: Documentaire "The War".

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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar spoutnik » 16 Déc 2009 18:27

Bonjour, j'ai une question que je ne savais pas bien où placer et je n'avais pas envie de créer un topic pour la poser..

Voilà, on peut voir dans plusieurs animes des personnages liés au théâtre japonnais (sûrement le théâtre noh ?) portant une sorte de bâton avec au bout un anneau passant à travers d'autres anneaux... j'espère que c'est clair.. j'aimerais connaître le nom de ce bâton et son utilité ?

Aussi, quel nom donne-t-on aux claquettes en bois japonnaise (celles avec les 2 lamelles de bois dessous sur lesquelles repose l'appui, style celles de mugen dans samurai champloo)
Messages: 12
Enregistré le: 09 Déc 2009 16:44

Re: Le Japon

Messagepar NaNaeL » 16 Déc 2009 18:41

spoutnik a écrit:Aussi, quel nom donne-t-on aux claquettes en bois japonnaise (celles avec les 2 lamelles de bois dessous sur lesquelles repose l'appui, style celles de mugen dans samurai champloo)

Des geta.
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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar spoutnik » 16 Déc 2009 18:59

coool ! faut qu'j'me trimbale avec ça si un jour je vais au Japon ! ;D
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Enregistré le: 09 Déc 2009 16:44

Re: Le Japon

Messagepar NaNaeL » 16 Déc 2009 20:17

Pour le bâton, je vois pas du tout ce que tu veux dire ^^"

T'as pas une image ou autre ?
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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar Ozymandias » 16 Déc 2009 22:25

Je pense qu'il s'agit (globalement) de celui de Miroku, je te met le descriptif du Shakujo ici :

"... Je te confie ça.
C'est un paquet de cigarettes infectes faites par un artisan taïwanais.
C'est les dernières...
" *
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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar spoutnik » 17 Déc 2009 01:02

coooooool c'est ça ouais !! merci pour votre efficacité, vous gérez !
Messages: 12
Enregistré le: 09 Déc 2009 16:44

Re: Le Japon

Messagepar Jamaisss » 21 Jan 2010 20:54

Salut à tous,

J'ai un travail a effectuer actuellement en "culture internationale" ou je dois comparer la France avec un autre pays, et ce sur beaucoup de points (alimentation, politique, sport, tourisme, éducation, religion, mode de vie, travail, santé et natalité...).

Je pensais m'inspirer de plusieurs de vos messages sur cette partie du forum mais je remarque déjà certains désaccords ainsi que plusieurs points incohérents. Je me réfère surtout au message de haurus (ici).

Le point qui m'intrigue le plus est que ce texte ne décrit pas le Japon actuel. Car quand je lis "Le Japon, étant fortement peuplé et possédant une population jeune donc dynamique", mon cerveau fait de suite 'tilt' dans ma tête, me rappelant le nombre de fois où j'ai pu entendre aux informations que le Japon avait la population la plus âgée du monde ainsi que le taux de natalité le plus faible. Donc le point le plus intéressant serait de savoir comment le Japon en est arrivé là et comment fait-il pour avancer avec ce gros handicap ?

Ce travail est à rendre pour vendredi soir donc je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps pour le réaliser, mais d'un autre côté il est demandé un travail ne dépassant pas les 10 pages donc... C'est easy :P
Le seul problème restant étant la récolte d'informations.

PS : ce travail est à réaliser en langue anglaise :mrgreen:

EDIT: J'ai réalisé une partie du travail (et mon collègue l'autre partie). Même si je n'ai pas fini je vous le met ici en attendant la version finale :
(vous me pardonnerez mes fautes anglaises, mon correcteur d'orthographe ne fonctionnant pas pour le moment)
Spoiler :
Politics :

Japan is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by the constitution of 1947 which explain that the Emperor stands an honorific place and the political power is held by the Government, represented by the Prime Minister which is chosen by all the ministers.

Akihito is the current Emperor of Japan, and Yukio Hatoyama the current Prime Minister of Japan.

The executive power is controlled by the Government, called as Cabinet.
The legislative power belongs to the Japan’s Diet which is a parliament divided in two parts : a House of Representatives and a House of Councillors. Members of Japan’s Diet are elected by popular vote every 4 years for Representative House members and 6 years for Councillor House members.
It’s an universal suffrage for adults over 20 years.

Compared with France, Japan has an indirect suffrage in its political system. Moreover, Japan have always been rule since 1945 by the liberal conservative Liberal Democratic Party, until September 2009 when the social liberal Democratic Party took power.
This kind of thing isn’t likely to happen in France.

Work : “Isogashi desu”

Japanese people is said to be hard worker, but it is both true and false… Japanese are very disciplined. They are likely to work very hard, even if it will take all their time (until 50 hour per week). Japanese people don’t like to take too much holidays since it would show that they’re lazy which is a shame in the Japanese working culture (they have 15 days for holidays). BUT in Japanese culture spare-time activities take a crucial place : a Japan family use most of their weekends to enjoy activities.
Japanese people are also dutiful to their boss. In Japan, your boss can advise you about your wife, your relationships... Within considering that’s weird.
When you ask a Japanese why he works so much, he is likely to answer “we didn’t reach the second economic place by twiddling our thumbs”.

Religion : “Kamina”

Japan counts several religions : main religions are Shintoism and Buddhism which have both influenced practices. Christianity and Islam are also represented.

You can find many temples (for Buddhism) and sanctuaries (for Shintoism) in Japan cities. For each district you can find different local gods, thus the Shintoism religion is reckoning millions of gods.

Japanese people are neutral towards religions, and they are likely to practice several of them within real difference.

Education, health and natality : “Benkyo desu”

In Japan, education is compulsory for elementary secondary school which lasts for 9 years (from 6 to 15). The education level is relatively high as more than 90% of the population has equivalent BAC level (when France has about 65%).

Japan education is very competitive : students have to pass entrance competitions to reach which schools they want, such as universities or junior colleges.

Culinary aspects : "Itadakimasu"

Culture and consumption of rice have ever had a main role in Japan’s diet. They traditionally eat rice with fresh fish and other seafood. Indeed, Japans have almost eliminated animal meat, they prefer vegetarian style. Moreover, since their opening on Occident, they’ve got some foreign meal.
The “saké” is a drink which is drunk during their meal.
To begin the meal, Japans eat uncooked fish in slices, soup, steamed food and then, they eat vegetable soup, rice and some fruits : Tea always end up the meal.

For example, Japan curry rice has became a very famous meal with vegatables, meat or seafood.

It have to be known that in Japan supermarkets (except in isolated area), the choice of food, ingredients is very manifold whatever day you go in.

Food which is served in accompagnement varies by region but it is generally cooked vegetables, fish, beef, chicken or pork.

The importance of food can be seen everywhere, that is to say on television with mangas, programmes.

To confront France and Japan, we can say that in France, there are so many differents cooking styles and so many regional traditions that it is very difficult to make French cook as an unified thing. Some specialities have became famous all over France.

To sum up, France is well-known with its cheese and wine and Japan with uncooked fish, vegetables.

Sports in Japan :

Japanese enjoy all kinds of sports (watching or playing them). They really think about benefits of playing any sport, it makes relationships more stronger, it builts character...

Many different sports are played in Japan and above all soccer. There is not an official sport in Japan but Sumo Associations say sumo is. Moreover, there are lots of people who take care about baseball. Martial arts are very popular in Japan. It can be quoted Judo, Sumo, Aïkido, Karate, and motor sports are more and more famous. There are a lot of areas to play the sport you want, especially gymnasium, multisports stadium, swimming-pool etc...

Schools in Japan, whatever high, middle or low schools, support their students to be active and to join sport clubs, either private or in the school.
It can even be seen on Japan calendar there is a national day for sports (Health & Sports Day). It shows that Japanese people are sought to play sports.

In summer, lots of Japanese can go to the sea to surf, to swim or to drive a boat and in winter, they prefer going to the mountains to ski or do snowboard.

So we see clairly that Japan is more invested in sports than France. Contrary to France, Japan support Japanese on having some activities to be in good health. They are on the same way when we talk about holidays.

Tourism :

In Japan, tourism take a big part in economy with 8,3 millions of tourists in 2007 even if this megalopole is above all build for industry and not for tourism.
The tourits come from nearly countries like Corea, China, United-States. France is on the 10th position with 140 000 peoples or so.
They visite mainly big cities like Tokyo, Yokohama... Tourists are there to see new landscapes like Mont Fuji and above all to know an other culture, the Japanese Culture which is a very interesting culture.

About France, everyone knows that this is the touristic destination number one. French often stay in France on holiday and foreign people are attracted to go there because of a lot of different landscapes, the wealth heritage

History :

Among the cities the most famous, Nagasaki and Hiroshima are almost known all over the world because of the WWII. These two cities have been bombed during this war with nuclear bombs. And then, the capitulation was declared by the emperor Hirohito (known as emperor Showa).

Japan is now in the « ère Heisei » (accomplissement de la paix), before this, it was the « ère Showa » (ère de paix éclairée). Japan has as emperor Akihito who is emperor Showa's son. Showa was the emperor from December 1926 to 1989, date which he died, giving the rôle of emperor to his son.

Since the 16th century, relationships with Occident have transformed Japan a lot.

About natural disasters and problems like that, Japan has known a lot of disasters. Indeed, the Japan's geographic situation is « dangerous ».
For example, earthquakes are sources of anxiety but it is relevated that Japanese are not, for the most part, prepared, trained to go through such disasters.

Moreover, Japan is a country known as a country where there are lots of self-murders. It is due of its education system which wants the best students ever and some of those students can not follow this rythm. But it is good to remember Japanese have a very strong mentality thanks to their family system, family relationships.

Economy :

The Japanese economy is due to a model called “en vol d'oies sauvages” just after the war period. Japanese economy is very strong, the principe is simple, they look everywhere in the world to know what are the products in bad production. Then, they produce them because they have a low-paid workforce and when it becomes a little more dear, they look for something else to produce.

In Japan, there are rarely strikes because workers are very disciplined. When workers are not happy, they put on a armband to show their discontent. In no case, they stop to work.

Japan is dependant on others countries to import raw. Since 1992, it has faced a big economic crise.

Others :

- When someone ask you how do you fell in Japan, it means that he really cares about you and he’s worried about your heath or other. In France, “What’s up?” is a commonplace question, which is only asked to start a conversation.

- As the French language has some Anglicism, the American occupation has had influences on Japanese words. You will also find French words in Japan language (as “pan” for bred, “bakansu” for holidays, “mayonesu” for mayonnaise, etc..

- Even if American army is occupying Japan for years, Japanese people hardly talks English. France is known as having a bad level in learning foreign languages (such as English) but Japan is even worst in this learning than our country.

- Japan hasn’t the same alphabet than ours. Japanese people use characters called hiragana, katakana and also kanji which comes from China (used since the V century).

- Main Japan cities are cleanest than France cities.
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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar vb2n » 24 Jan 2010 23:44

C'est trop tard pour d'aider, mais en partant du site de l'ambassade du Japon, je suis tombé sur ce site qui propose ce document en anglais et où on trouve beaucoup de chiffres (Dont le volume du marché de l'animation, qui ne diminut pas, mais progresse moins vite qu'avant).

Par contre, sur ce site, dans ce [url]document[/url] précisemment, on peut lire en note:
le taux de pauvreté atteint 30% et parmi
les pays de l’OCDE, le Japon se trouve dans le groupe des plus pauvres, juste après les Etats-Unis qui font
un peu moins mal que la Turquie qui n’est moins pauvre que du seul Mexique (OCDE 2009)
, ce qu'on peut lire aussi dans Aujourd'hui le Japon. Mais en décelmbre dans Courrier International, j'ai pu lire que maintenant le Japon se classait bon dernier du classement de l'OCDE. Elle est loin l'époquie où, d'aprés un chiffre de 1993, le Japon se classait second aprés le danemark selon le coefficient de Gini, qui calcule les inégalités(Page Wikipédia). La Décennie perdue a à mon avis profondemment marquée le Japon.
C'était une femme qui serrait un enfant contre elle. Elle avait la tête coupée, mais elle tenait encore son bébé. J'ai dû m'en charger.
A 17 ans."
Daniel Inouye, Fils d'un immigrant japonais, volontaire de la Croix Rouge lors de l'attaque de Pearl Harbor. Source: Documentaire "The War".

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Enregistré le: 16 Fév 2008 20:47
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Re: Le Japon

Messagepar Jamaisss » 30 Jan 2010 10:34

Merci pour ces liens fort intéressant, je vais même les garder en marque page.

Désolé de ne répondre que maintenant mais j'ai eu certains problème d'ordinateur, j'ai carrément zappé ce sujet.
Du coup voici la version finale ce mon travail : enjoyez :)
Je vous copie l'essentiel (car l'essentiel est dans... non rien^^) :
Spoiler :
Description :

Flag : 

Money : Yen (¥)

Surface : 377,835 km²

Number of inhabitants : about 127 Million

Density : 337 inhabitants/km²

Geography : “doko desu ka” (where is it ?)

Japan is isolated in the East of Asia, in the Pacific Ocean. This country is located at the East

Japan is divided in 4 main islands and 3,000 small islands.

Tokyo is the capital city, with more than 30 million inhabitants from the city and its metropolis (12 million for Tokyo).

Politics :

Japan is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by the constitution of 1947 which explain that the Emperor stands an honorific place and the political power is held by the Government, represented by the Prime Minister which is chosen by all the ministers.

Akihito is the current Emperor of Japan, and Yukio Hatoyama the current Prime Minister of Japan.

The executive power is controlled by the Government, called as Cabinet.

The legislative power belongs to the Japan’s Diet which is a parliament divided in two parts : a House of Representatives and a House of Councillors. Members of Japan’s Diet are elected by popular vote every 4 years for Representative House members and 6 years for Councillor House members.
It’s an universal suffrage for adults over 20 years.

Compared with France, Japan has an indirect suffrage in its political system. Moreover, Japan have always been rule since 1945 by the liberal conservative Liberal Democratic Party, until September 2009 when the social liberal Democratic Party took power.
This kind of thing isn’t likely to happen in France.

Work : “Isogashi desu” (a lot of work)

Japanese people is said to be hard worker, but it is both true and false… Japanese are very disciplined. They are likely to work very hard, even if it will take all their time (until 50 hour per week). Japanese people don’t like to take too much holidays since it would show that they’re lazy which is a shame in the Japanese working culture (they have 15 days for holidays). BUT in Japanese culture spare-time activities take a crucial place : a Japan family use most of their weekends to enjoy activities.

Japanese people are also dutiful to their boss. In Japan, your boss can advise you about your wife, your relationships... Within considering that’s weird.

Tokyo’s tower

When you ask a Japanese why he works so much, he is likely to answer “we didn’t reach the second economic place by twiddling our thumbs”.

Religion : “Kamina” (my god)

Japan counts several religions : main religions are Shintoism and Buddhism which have both influenced practices. Christianity and Islam are also represented.

You can find many temples (for Buddhism) and sanctuaries (for Shintoism) in Japan cities. For each district you can find different local gods, thus the Shintoism religion is reckoning millions of gods.

Japanese people are neutral towards religions : they are likely to practice several of them within real difference. For example, a Japanese would go on Saturday in a temple and pray for success in his job and/or in love.

Education, health and natality : “Benkyo desu” (I study)

In Japan, education is compulsory for elementary secondary school which lasts for 9 years (from 6 to 15). The education level is relatively high as more than 90% of the population has equivalent BAC level (when France has about 65%).

Japan education is very competitive : students have to pass entrance competitions to reach which schools they want, such as universities or junior colleges.

Japan has one of the worst natality rate of the world and a limited immigration. Both of these lead Japan into a demographic crisis. For example the population has decreased for the fisrt time in 2005, with a fecondity rate of 1.25 for a Japanese woman.

The IDH indicator is one of the best into the world, with 0.960. The health system is more or less as performant as in France : heath services are granted by the country and its prefectures. Insurances allow the services to be relatively economicaly reachable for every Japanese.

The world biggest pedestrian crossing in Shibuya (called Shibuya crossing), which is one of the 23 wards of Tokyo.

Culinary aspects : “Itadakimasu” (enjoy your meal)

Culture and consumption of rice have ever had a main role in Japan’s diet. They traditionally eat rice with fresh fish and other seafood. Indeed, Japans have almost eliminated animal meat, they prefer vegetarian style. Moreover, since their opening on Occident, they’ve got some foreign meal.
The “saké” is a drink which is drunk during their meal.
To begin the meal, Japans eat uncooked fish in slices, soup, steamed food and then, they eat vegetable soup, rice and some fruits : Tea always end up the meal.

For example, Japan curry rice has became a very famous meal with vegatables, meat or seafood.

It have to be known that in Japan supermarkets (except in isolated area), the choice of food, ingredients is very manifold whatever day you go in.

Food which is served in accompagnement varies by region but it is generally cooked vegetables, fish, beef, chicken or pork.

The importance of food can be seen everywhere, that is to say on television with mangas, programmes.

To confront France and Japan, we can say that in France, there are so many differents cooking styles and so many regional traditions that it is very difficult to make French cook as an unified thing. Some specialities have became famous all over France.

To sum up, France is well-known with its cheese and wine and Japan with uncooked fish, vegetables.

Sports : “Hajime” (ingage!)

Japanese enjoy all kinds of sports (watching or playing them). They really think about benefits of playing any sport, it makes relationships more stronger, it builts character...

Many different sports are played in Japan and above all soccer. There is not an official sport in Japan but Sumo Associations say sumo is. Moreover, there are lots of people who take care about baseball. Martial arts are very popular in Japan. It can be quoted Judo, Sumo, Aïkido, Karate, and motor sports are more and more famous. There are a lot of areas to play the sport you want, especially gymnasium, multisports stadium, swimming-pool etc...

Schools in Japan, whatever high, middle or low schools, support their students to be active and to join sport clubs, either private or in the school.
It can even be seen on Japan calendar there is a national day for sports (Health & Sports Day). It shows that Japanese people are sought to play sports.

In summer, lots of Japanese can go to the sea to surf, to swim or to drive a boat and in winter, they prefer going to the mountains to ski or do snowboard.
So we see clairly that Japan is more invested in sports than France. Contrary to France, Japan support Japanese on having some activities to be in good health. They are on the same way when we talk about holidays.

Tourism :

In Japan, tourism take a big part in economy with 8,3 millions of tourists in 2007 even if this megalopole is above all build for industry and not for tourism.

The tourits come from nearly countries like Corea, China, United-States. France is on the 10th position with 140 000 peoples or so.

They visite mainly big cities like Tokyo, Yokohama... Tourists are there to see new landscapes like Mont Fuji and above all to know an other culture, the Japanese Culture which is a very interesting culture.

About France, everyone knows that this is the touristic destination number one. French often stay in France on holiday and foreign people are attracted to go there because of a lot of different landscapes, the wealth heritage.

“Fuji-san” (Mount Fuji)

History :

Among the cities the most famous, Nagasaki and Hiroshima are almost known all over the world because of the WWII. These two cities have been bombed during this war with nuclear bombs. And then, the capitulation was declared by the emperor Hirohito (known as emperor Showa).

Japan is now in the « ère Heisei » (accomplissement de la paix), before this, it was the « ère Showa » (ère de paix éclairée). Japan has as emperor Akihito who is emperor Showa's son.

Showa was the emperor from December 1926 to 1989, date which he died, giving the rôle of emperor to his son Akihito (picture on the left).

Since the 16th century, relationships with Occident have transformed Japan a lot.

About natural disasters and problems like that, Japan has known a lot of disasters. Indeed, the Japan's geographic situation is « dangerous ».
For example, earthquakes are sources of anxiety but it is relevated that Japanese are not, for the most part, prepared, trained to go through such disasters.

Moreover, Japan is a country known as a country where there are lots of self-murders. It is due of its education system which wants the best students ever and some of those students can not follow this rythm. But it is good to remember Japanese have a very strong mentality thanks to their family system, family relationships.

Economy :

The Japanese economy is due to a model called “en vol d'oies sauvages” just after the war period. Japanese economy is very strong, the principe is simple, they look everywhere in the world to know what are the products in bad production. Then, they produce them because they have a low-paid workforce and when it becomes a little more dear, they look for something else to produce.

In Japan, there are rarely strikes because workers are very disciplined. When workers are not happy, they put on a armband to show their discontent. In no case, they stop to work.

Japan is dependant on others countries to import raw. Since 1992, it has faced a big economic crisis.

Others :

- When someone ask you how do you fell in Japan, it means that he really cares about you and he’s worried about your heath or other. In France, “What’s up?” is a commonplace question, which is only asked to start a conversation.

- As the French language has some Anglicism, the American occupation has had influences on Japanese words. You will also find French words in Japan language (as “pan” for bred, “bakansu” for holidays, “mayonesu” for mayonnaise, etc..

- Even if American army is occupying Japan for years, Japanese people hardly talks English. France is known as having a bad level in learning foreign languages (such as English) but Japan is even worst in this learning than our country.

- Japan hasn’t the same alphabet than ours. Japanese people use characters called hiragana, katakana and also kanji which comes from China (used since the V century). Japanese also use rōmaji (which are caracters from latin alphabet) mostly used to write web adresses, for road signs and Japan stations (for Western people).

- Main Japanene cities are cleanest than French cities.

- A lot of Japanese dream traveling in France.

Thanks :

A special thanks to Herzwerk R.o.D (j'ai mis ton vrai nom dans le rapport ^^) who allowed me and Vincent to use his pictures to illustrate our work.

Si vous avez des corrections, des commentaires ou des ajouts à faire n'hésitez pas.

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